How to get Rid Of Sewer Gas Smell in Your Home: Expert Tips & Solutions


// Posted by Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.

Have you noticed a strong smell of rotten eggs at home? It might be sewer gas causing the smell. This bad smell comes from chemicals breaking down human waste. Luckily, getting rid of sewer gas smell is easy with a few steps.

It's important to find and fix sewer gas smells quickly. This keeps your home safe and fresh. By using the expert advice in this article, you can make your home smell good again.

sewer gas smell

Key Takeaways

  • Sewer gas is a mix of harmful gases like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane. These gases can be dangerous to your health.
  • Things like clogged drains, dry traps, broken pipes, and bad ventilation can cause sewer gas smell.
  • Fixing the main issue, like cleaning P-traps and clearing drains, is key to getting rid of the smell.
  • For big sewer line problems or to make sure ventilation is right, you might need a professional plumber.
  • Keeping up with good plumbing care and regular maintenance can stop sewer gas smells from coming back.

The Unpleasant Reality of Sewer Gas Odor

The unmistakable sewer gas smell, often described as a rotten egg smell or hydrogen sulfide odor, signals a serious issue at home. This sewage stench is unlike other smells you might find in your house. It can mean there's a problem that could lead to fires or even explosions, which would be costly to fix.

What Causes Sewer Gas Smell?

Sewer gas is a mix of chemicals that come from the breakdown of human waste. This blend includes harmful gases like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane. People can be exposed to these gases when they clean septic tanks, manure tanks, or sewers.

Health Risks of Sewer Gas Exposure

Being around sewer gas can be harmful to your health. High levels can cause headaches, dizziness, and even memory loss. It can also lead to poisoning and asphyxiation, making fires or explosions more likely.

To avoid sewer gas, make sure to regularly flush drains with water. This keeps sewer traps from drying out. If you're exposed, you might feel tired, dizzy, or nauseous.

Identifying the Source of the Sewer Gas Smell

The first step to fix a sewer gas smell at home is to find where it's coming from. Look closely at your plumbing, including drains, toilets, and other fixtures. Knowing where the smell starts helps you fix it and get rid of the smell.

Begin by checking your drains and sinks for leaks, cracks, or loose connections. These could let sewer gas out. Also, check if the P-traps under sinks and floor drains are damaged or dry. P-traps keep sewer gas out by sealing with water.

Make sure your toilets are checked too. The wax ring seal between the toilet and floor should be in good shape and sealing well. A broken or wrong wax ring can cause sewer gas leaks.

  1. Look at your sewer vents on the roof or outside for blockages or damage. A clogged or damaged vent pipe can push sewer gas back into your home.
  2. Think about getting a plumbing inspection to find the sewer gas smell's source. A professional plumber can use tools like smoke tests to locate leaks or blockages.

By carefully checking your plumbing and finding the sewer gas smell's source, you can fix the problem. This will make your home fresh and smell good again.

Fixing Dry Traps and Blocked Drains

Keeping your plumbing in good shape is key to avoiding sewer gas smells at home. Dry traps and blocked drains often cause these bad smells. A p-trap, with its curved shape, keeps water to block sewer gases from getting into your living areas. But if a drain isn't used often, the water in the p-trap can dry out. This lets sewer odor get into your home.

Restoring P-Traps and Floor Drains

This issue is especially true for areas like guest bathrooms, basements, and vacation homes. To fix a p-trap, just run water through it to refill it. For areas that dry out a lot, think about using a trap seal primer or Vapour Block by Brodi. This product keeps the water seal and stops sewer gas smells.

Unclogging Drains and Vents

Blocked drains and vents can also lead to sewer gas smells by not letting air and water flow right. Keeping drains and vents clean helps avoid these problems. Common things that clog drains include:

  • Hair in bathroom sinks, showers, and tubs
  • Food and grease in kitchen sinks
  • Mineral and soap from personal care items
  • Biofilm and debris in old pipes

Cleaning and clearing drains can get rid of sewer gas smells and keep your plumbing working right.

Addressing Plumbing Fixture Issues

Sewer gas smells can often come from plumbing issues in your home. A common problem is a damaged wax ring seal between the toilet and the floor. If this seal is broken, sewer gas can leak and fill your bathroom with a bad smell.

Wax Ring Seal Replacement

If your bathroom smells like sewer, check the wax ring seal around your toilet. This seal can wear out over time, especially if the toilet is not stable or has been moved. Replacing the wax ring is easy and can stop sewer gas smells.

Proper Installation and Sealing

It's important to make sure all plumbing fixtures, like toilets, sinks, and floor drains, are installed and sealed right. If they're not, sewer gases can leak out, making your home smell bad.

For these problems, you might need a professional plumber's help. They can check your plumbing, find any issues, and fix them. This ensures sewer gas stays in the sewer, not your home.

wax ring seal replacement

Fixing plumbing issues can get rid of sewer gas smells and bring fresh air back into your home. Regular maintenance and quick action to fix problems are key. They keep your plumbing working well and stop bad smells.

Dealing with Sewer Line Problems

Sewer line issues can make your home smell bad. Blockages and backups let harmful gases into your living area. This can be dangerous and very unpleasant.

Sewer Line Blockages

Blockages in sewer lines happen when things like tree roots, grease, or objects get stuck. This stops wastewater from flowing right. As a result, bad smells from sewer gas can fill your home.

Sewer Line Backups

Backups happen when the sewer line from your house to the city's system gets blocked. Sewage and gases then flow back into your home, making a strong, bad smell. Things like tree roots, debris, or old pipes can cause these backups.

Fixing sewer line problems is key to getting rid of bad smells at home. If you think there's a problem, call a professional plumber. They can find the issue, fix it, and make sure your plumbing works right again.

The Importance of Vent Stacks

Keeping your vent stack in good shape is key to stopping sewer gas smells from getting into your home. Sewer vent pipes connect your plumbing to the roof, letting sewer gases safely go outside. But if these vent stacks get damaged or blocked, you might smell sewer gas inside your home.

Vent stacks, often made of PVC, are important for keeping wastewater and septic tank smells away from your living areas. If these stacks get clogged, it can cause pressure to build up in the pipes. This leads to bad smells getting into your home, affecting your outdoor time and indoor life.

Things like hair, soap, and other blockages can cause vent stack odors. Clearing these clogs with drain augers or getting help from plumbers can fix airflow and stop sewer gas smells.

  • Plumbing vents let sewer gases escape from your home's septic system.
  • Clogged plumbing vents cause pressure buildup, leading to bad smells.
  • Keeping plumbing vents maintained is key for good airflow and pressure.
  • Using vent stack filters with activated carbon helps control bad smells and sewer gas.

To avoid sewer gas smells at home, it's vital to look after your vent stacks. Fixing any vent stack problems stops sewer gas smells from getting into your living areas. This way, you can have a fresher, healthier home.

Regular Maintenance and Prevention

Keeping your plumbing system in good shape is crucial to stop sewer gas smell at home. Regular drain and vent cleaning helps get rid of the smell. Also, avoid clogs and blockages to tackle the main causes of the odor.

Routine Drain and Vent Cleaning

It's important to clean your drains and vent pipes often. Use a mix of baking soda and vinegar or a cleaner suggested by experts to clear out any buildup. Then, rinse the drains with hot water to get rid of any smells.

Avoiding Clogs and Blockages

  • Think twice before flushing things like sanitary napkins, diapers, or grease down the toilet. These can clog your pipes and let sewer gas out.
  • Check your plumbing for cracks or leaks often and fix them quickly to stop sewer gas from entering your home.
  • Make sure the vent stack on your roof is clear of clogs and debris for good ventilation of sewer gases.

By keeping up with regular maintenance and avoiding clogs, you can stop sewer gas smell from bothering you at home.

When to Call a Professional

If you can't find or fix the sewer gas smell by yourself, call a professional plumber or a sewer and gas odor specialist. They have the skills and tools needed to handle complex sewer gas odor issues.

Some situations make it crucial to call a professional. For example, if your home has had a sewage flood, DIY cleanup can be risky. It's best to get experts to handle it safely and correctly.

Sewer gas is mostly hydrogen sulfide and can be dangerous if there's a lot of it. It can cause headaches, nausea, trouble breathing, and even heart issues. So, it's important to deal with sewer gas smells quickly and properly to keep your family safe.

  • Common causes of sewer gas smell in the house include evaporation of water in the P-trap piping, broken seals around toilets, burst pipes, and damage to sewer pipes by tree roots.
  • Sewer camera inspections are a popular tool among sewer repair contractors to assess the condition of sewer lines and identify the source of the problem.
  • Sewer pipe repair solutions, such as pipe bursting or lining, may be necessary to address more complex issues with the main sewer line.

Don't risk it with sewer gas smell problems. Always consult a professional plumber or sewer and gas odor specialist if you're unsure. They have the skills and tools to find and fix the issue, getting rid of the sewer gas smell in your home.

Create an image that depicts the unpleasant odor of sewer gas permeating a home, with visual elements such as distorted shapes or colors, smoky fumes, and discolored air. Use contrasting colors to convey the distaste and displeasure of the smell.

Ventilation and Air Purification

Proper ventilation is key when fighting sewer gas odor at home. Opening windows and using fans can cut down the sewer gas levels. This simple action can greatly reduce the bad smell.

Opening Windows and Using Fans

Opening windows and doors is a simple yet effective way to fight sewer gas odor. It lets fresh air in and spreads out the sewer gas smell. Using exhaust fans in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms also helps get rid of bad smells.

Air Purifiers and Odor Absorbers

For a deeper solution, think about air purifiers and odor absorbers. Air purifiers with activated carbon filters can take out sewer gas from the air. Odor absorbers, like charcoal or baking soda, can neutralize smells near their source. Together, they make the air cleaner and lessen sewer gas smell.

Using these ventilation and air purification methods can make your home fresher and healthier. A well-ventilated and odor-free home boosts your comfort and health.

Comprehensive Sewer Gas Smell Elimination

Dealing with sewer gas smell at home can be frustrating. To get rid of the smell for good, tackle all possible causes. This way, you'll find and fix the root problem, making your home smell fresh again.

Start by fixing dry traps and blocked drains. Make sure P-traps and floor drains are working right and full of water. This creates a seal that keeps sewer gases out. Clear any clogged drains or vents to improve airflow and stop the smell.

  1. Restore P-Traps and Floor Drains
  2. Unclog Drains and Vents

Then, check your plumbing fixtures. Replace old wax rings on toilets and make sure all fixtures are installed and sealed right. This helps stop sewer gas from getting in.

  1. Replace Wax Ring Seals
  2. Ensure Proper Fixture Installation and Sealing

Sewer line issues, like blockages or backups, can also cause the smell. Check your sewer line for problems and fix them fast. Keeping the vent stack clear is key, as blockages can trap odors inside.

  1. Resolve Sewer Line Blockages and Backups
  2. Keep the Vent Stack Clear

Lastly, make sure your home has good ventilation and air cleaning. Open windows, use fans, and think about getting an air purifier or odor absorber. These can help get rid of sewer gas smells.

By tackling all possible causes, you can get rid of sewer gas smell at home. This makes your living space fresh and healthy. Remember, act fast to avoid more problems and health risks from sewer gas.

Restoring Fresh Air in Your Home

After finding and fixing the sewer gas smell source, it's key to bring fresh air back into your home. Start by airing out the affected areas well. Use exhaust fans and open windows for good ventilation. Also, try using commercial odor absorbers or baking soda to get rid of any smells left behind.

Eliminating the Source

To get rid of the sewer gas smell, first find and fix its source. This could mean fixing dry traps, clearing clogged drains and vents, or solving plumbing and sewer line issues. By doing this, you stop the sewer gas from getting into your home.

Neutralizing Lingering Odors

Even after fixing the source, some smells might still be there. Use commercial odor absorbers or baking soda to tackle these smells. Put bowls of baking soda in the smelly areas to soak up the odors. Also, running air purifiers and opening windows can make your air cleaner and smell better.

By taking steps to restore fresh air after eliminating sewer gas smell and neutralizing lingering odors, you can make your home smell nice and clean again.


Sewer gas smell can be a real nuisance and worry. But, you can get rid of it quickly with the right steps. Start by finding out where the smell is coming from, fix any plumbing problems, keep your home well-ventilated, and call experts if needed. This way, you can make your living space fresh and free of odors.

Dealing with sewer gas smell is important for your health and safety too. It can be dangerous, causing fires, poisoning, and even death in tight spaces. By acting fast to fix the issue, you keep your family safe and healthy.

Now is the time to get rid of that awful smell and make your home comfortable and well-ventilated. The tips and advice given here will help you keep your home clean and fresh. Don't let sewer gas problems bother you - take charge and enjoy fresh air at home.

Electric Heat pump outside
About Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.
Residential and light commercial heating, cooling, air quality, and plumbing are specialties at Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc. We provide home and business owners in Oak Ridge, TN and surrounding areas free estimates, service of all makes and models, and trusted solutions to everyday requirements.

We are an eco-friendly, award-winning company and uphold Better Business Bureau accreditation. Our team of professionals is NATE-certified, drug-free, and dedicated to earning your approval and loyalty.


What is sewer gas and what causes the rotten egg smell in my home?

Sewer gas is a mix of chemicals from decomposing waste. It can make your home smell like rotten eggs.

What are the health risks of sewer gas exposure?

Sewer gas can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It may also lead to memory loss, poisoning, and asphyxiation. High levels can increase the risk of fire or explosion.

How do I identify the source of the sewer gas smell in my home?

Look for leaks or damage in your drains, toilets, and plumbing. Check the sewer vents on your roof or outside for blockages or damage.

What can cause a dry p-trap leading to a sewer gas smell?

If a drain isn't used often, the water in the p-trap can evaporate. This leaves it dry, letting sewer odor get in. This often happens in unused bathrooms or basements.

How do I address a wax ring seal issue causing a sewage smell in my bathroom?

A bad wax ring seal between the toilet and the base can cause sewage smells. Remove the toilet and put in a new wax ring to fix it.

What can cause sewer line problems leading to sewer gas smells?

Issues like breaks or damage in the sewer line can cause smells. This can happen due to age, corrosion, tree roots, or ground movement. Backups can also push sewage and gases back into your home.

Why is the sewer vent stack important for preventing sewer gas odors?

The sewer vent pipe connects your plumbing to the roof, letting gases escape outside. If it's damaged or blocked, it can cause smells inside your home.

What regular maintenance can help prevent sewer gas smells?

Don't flush items that can clog your pipes. Have your plumbing checked regularly and use baking soda and vinegar to clean drains. Keep the vent stack clear of clogs and debris.

When should I call a professional to address a sewer gas smell?

Call a professional plumber or a sewer and gas odor specialist if you can't find or fix the smell yourself. They have the tools and knowledge to solve complex problems.

Electric Heat pump outside
About Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.
Residential and light commercial heating, cooling, air quality, and plumbing are specialties at Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc. We provide home and business owners in Oak Ridge, TN and surrounding areas free estimates, service of all makes and models, and trusted solutions to everyday requirements.

We are an eco-friendly, award-winning company and uphold Better Business Bureau accreditation. Our team of professionals is NATE-certified, drug-free, and dedicated to earning your approval and loyalty.

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