What is a Commercial Air Handler?: Efficient HVAC Solutions


// Posted by Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.

Have you ever thought about how your commercial building stays comfortable and healthy? It's thanks to the commercial air handler. These units are key in keeping your HVAC system running smoothly. They make sure your building has the right temperature and air quality.

Commercial air handlers are great at keeping the air clean and efficient in big buildings. They work well in offices and shops alike. Knowing how these units work can help you make your building more comfortable and save money on energy costs.

Key Takeaways

  • Commercial air handlers are essential for efficient HVAC systems in big buildings.
  • They handle heating, cooling, and air circulation, making the indoor space comfy and healthy.
  • Learning about air handlers helps owners and managers save energy and cut costs.
  • Keeping air handlers in good shape is key to avoiding HVAC problems.
  • New tech in air handlers means better energy use, cleaner air, and smarter building systems.

Introduction to Commercial Air Handlers

In commercial buildings, efficient HVAC systems are key for a comfy and healthy space. Commercial air handlers are a big part of these systems. They move, condition, and spread air around the building. Knowing how important air handlers are helps you make smart choices for your building's energy use and air quality.

Importance of Efficient HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings

Commercial HVAC systems use a lot of energy, making up a big part of the energy bill. It's important to keep these systems efficient. This cuts down on energy costs and keeps the indoor space comfy and healthy. Efficient systems keep the temperature and humidity right, improve air quality, and help the building be more sustainable.

Overview of Commercial Air Handlers and Their Role

Commercial air handlers are vital for the HVAC system. They move and condition the air for commercial buildings. These units are made for the big and complex ductwork in commercial spaces. Knowing how air handlers work helps you make your HVAC system better and keep your building's occupants happy and healthy.

If you're a building owner, manager, or HVAC pro, understanding commercial air handlers is key. It helps you make smart choices about your system's design, upkeep, and updates. Keeping up with new air handler technology and best practices ensures your HVAC system works well. This means better air quality and energy savings for your building.

What is a Commercial Air Handler?

A commercial air handler is key to a building's HVAC system. It makes sure air is circulated, conditioned, and spread out evenly. It keeps the temperature, humidity, and air quality right, making the space comfy and healthy for people inside.

Definition and Functions of a Commercial Air Handler

An air handler, or AHU, is a main system that does many important jobs. It pulls in air from outside and inside, cleans it, changes its temperature, and sends it out through ducts. This makes sure the air in the building is just right for everyone.

Components of a Commercial Air Handler Unit

A commercial air handler has several important parts that work together:

  • Air Filter: Takes out dust, pollen, and other bad stuff from the air, making it cleaner.
  • Blower/Fan: Moves the air through the system and around the building.
  • Heating and Cooling Coils: Changes the air's temperature to what's needed.
  • Dampers: Helps control how much air comes in and goes out.
  • Humidifier/Dehumidifier: Keeps the air's moisture at the best level.
  • Control System: Keeps an eye on and manages everything for best performance.

Knowing about commercial air handlers helps with picking, putting in, and keeping up with the right HVAC for a business.

How Do Commercial Air Handlers Work?

Commercial air handlers are key to keeping buildings comfortable. They manage heating, cooling, and air circulation. These units make sure the air inside is just right for everyone.

Heating and Cooling Processes in Air Handlers

At the core of a commercial air handler are the heating and cooling coils. These parts change the air's temperature. The heating coil uses hot water or electricity to warm the air. The cooling coil, linked to a refrigerant system, cools and dries the air.

This way, the air handler keeps the temperature and humidity just right. It makes sure the HVAC heating and cooling is perfect in the building.

Air Circulation and Distribution Systems

The way air moves and spreads in a commercial air handler is vital. Fans pull in air from outside or from inside the building. Then, they send the air through ducts and diffusers.

This system makes sure the air gets to every corner of the building. It keeps the air handler operation and air circulation steady in the commercial HVAC system.

Knowing how commercial air handlers work helps managers and HVAC experts. They can keep these important HVAC heating and cooling parts running well.

Types of Commercial Air Handlers

Commercial HVAC systems offer a variety of air handler types. Each has its own set of features and capabilities. Knowing these options helps you pick the right one for your needs.

Packaged air handling units are a common choice. They combine heating, cooling, and air distribution in one unit. This makes them great for saving space and fitting into many commercial buildings. They're also quieter, perfect for places like offices and stores where noise matters.

Chilled water systems use a central chiller to make chilled water. This water is then sent to air units throughout the building. These systems are more energy-efficient and can handle big cooling needs.

If your building has different heating and cooling needs in different areas, consider a variable air volume (VAV) air handler. VAV systems control temperature and airflow in each zone. This ensures comfort and saves energy. They're great for places like offices, schools, and hospitals.

Choosing the right commercial air handler depends on your building's size, heating and cooling needs, and energy goals. By looking at the different types and their features, you can make a smart choice for your HVAC system.

commercial air handler types

Packaged Air Handling Units

Packaged air handling units are a great choice for commercial HVAC needs. They come with everything you need in one package. This includes the fan, cooling and heating coils, and controls. It's perfect for commercial managers who want a simple and efficient HVAC setup.

These units can handle buildings of all sizes, from small to large. They can cool or heat spaces up to 20 tons. All in-one HVAC systems are built for big jobs and use the latest energy-saving tech.

One big plus of these units is how cost-effective they are. Putting everything in one unit cuts down on installation and upkeep costs. Plus, they use less energy, which can save a lot on bills and keep places at the right temperature.

When picking a packaged air handling system, think about your building's size and needs. Look at energy efficiency and your budget too. Talking to local HVAC pros can help pick the best one for your space.

In summary, packaged air handling units are a smart choice for commercial HVAC. They're all-in-one, save energy, and are easy on the wallet. Many facility managers choose them for their reliability and efficiency.

Commercial Air Handler with Chilled Water System

Commercial air handlers work well with chilled water systems. They offer big advantages over traditional air-cooled HVAC setups. These systems use a central water chiller to make cold water. This cold water then goes through the air handler's cooling coil, making cooling for commercial buildings efficient and effective.

Advantages of Chilled Water Systems

Putting commercial air handlers with chilled water systems together has many benefits. This makes them a great choice for building owners and managers:

  • Enhanced energy efficiency: These systems use less energy than air-cooled ones, cutting down on energy use and bills.
  • Precise temperature and humidity control: They let you control temperature and humidity levels well, making the indoor space comfortable and healthy.
  • Reduced environmental impact: They produce less carbon emissions than traditional systems, making them a greener option.
  • Long-term cost savings: Their efficient operation and longer life can lead to big savings for building owners over time.

Components and Working Principle

A commercial air handler with a chilled water system has several key parts:

  1. Water chiller: This is the main unit that makes cold water, usually placed away from the air handler.
  2. Cooling coil: Inside the air handler, this coil lets the chilled water flow through, taking heat from the air.
  3. Pumps: These pumps move the cold water from the chiller to the air handler's coil.
  4. Valves and piping: These control how much cold water gets to the air handler and adjust cooling as needed.

Here's how a commercial air handler with a chilled water system works:

  1. The chiller makes cold water, usually around 40-45°F.
  2. This cold water goes through the air handler's coil, cooling the air.
  3. The cooled air then spreads out in the building through the air handler's blower system.
  4. The warm water goes back to the chiller, starting the cooling cycle again to keep the air cool and dry.

By combining commercial air handlers with chilled water systems, building owners and managers get better HVAC efficiency, cleaner air, and save money over time. This makes it a smart choice for cooling commercial spaces.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) Air Handlers

VAV (Variable Air Volume) air handlers are a top choice for commercial HVAC systems. They adjust air flow based on the building's heating and cooling needs. This makes them great for many commercial uses.

VAV air handlers offer precise temperature control and save energy. They adjust airflow to meet the changing needs of different areas in a building. This is useful in places like offices, shops, or hotels where heating and cooling needs change during the day.

These systems keep the air temperature steady while changing the airflow. This is different from constant-air-volume (CAV) systems, which keep airflow constant and change the air temperature. VAV systems are more efficient and distribute air better in commercial buildings.

VAV air handlers work in three modes: cooling, dead-band, and reheat. They can adjust airflow from 30% to 100%, meeting space temperature needs. By zoning the building, each area gets its own VAV box, making the system more responsive to local needs.

For the best performance, VAV air handlers need careful setup and upkeep. It's important to control the fan right to prevent damage to ducts. The fan should keep a steady pressure in the ducts, no matter the VAV box setting.

VAV air handlers are a smart choice for commercial HVAC needs. They provide precise temperature control and better air distribution. This helps make buildings more energy efficient.

Energy Efficiency in Commercial Air Handlers

Choosing and running commercial air handlers wisely is key. These units come with features and tech that save energy and cut costs. This makes HVAC systems more sustainable and cost-effective.

Energy-saving Features and Technologies

Commercial air handlers have many energy-saving options, like:

  • Variable-speed fans that use less energy than constant-speed ones
  • Advanced controls and automation to improve HVAC performance
  • Economizer systems that use outside air to cool buildings less
  • Air-to-air systems that warm or cool fresh air before it enters

Benefits of Energy-efficient Air Handlers

Going for energy-efficient air handlers brings big wins, such as:

  1. Big energy savings: These systems can cut energy costs by up to 40%, says the U.S. Department of Energy.
  2. Lower operating costs: They use less electricity, which means smaller utility bills and costs.
  3. Helping the planet: These systems make businesses more eco-friendly and lower their carbon footprint.
  4. Longer equipment life: They're built better, so they last longer and need less upkeep.
  5. Special deals and rebates: Businesses can get tax breaks, rebates, and financing for energy-efficient HVACs.

Knowing how commercial air handlers save energy and their perks helps owners and managers make smart choices. This leads to a greener and cheaper HVAC setup.

energy efficient air handler

Create an image of a sleek and modern commercial air handler with vibrant greenery nearby, showcasing its energy efficiency and sustainability.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Commercial Air Handler

Choosing the right commercial air handler is key for a smooth and efficient HVAC system. When picking an air handler, think about your building's size, layout, and the amount of heating and cooling it needs.

Building Size and Layout

The size and design of your building affect the air handler you need. Big buildings need strong air handlers to move and condition air well. Smaller buildings might do well with packaged or split-system air handlers.

Look at your building's square footage, number of floors, and special features that might change air flow. Knowing how your building is laid out helps pick the best air handler for it.

Heating and Cooling Load Calculations

Getting the right air handler means doing precise heating and cooling load calculations. These calculations consider things like how many people will be there, the building's size and direction, the climate, and the equipment and lights inside.

By looking at these loads, you can pick an air handler that can handle your building's heating and cooling needs. This ensures your HVAC system works well, saves energy, and meets your needs.

Keep these factors in mind to choose an air handler that fits your building perfectly. This way, you get a comfortable and efficient HVAC system that works for your business.

Installation and Maintenance of Commercial Air Handlers

Installing and maintaining commercial air handlers right is key for their efficiency and reliability. By following the right installation steps and keeping up with maintenance, owners and managers can make their HVAC systems last longer. This keeps the system performance at its best.

Proper Installation Guidelines

For commercial air handler installation, details matter a lot. Making sure airflow is right, ducts are connected well, and other important things are checked is essential. Picking an HVAC unit with a high SEER rating can save on energy costs and help the environment, experts say.

Regular Maintenance and Servicing

HVAC maintenance is vital for keeping commercial air handlers running well. Regular tasks like changing air filters, cleaning the outdoor unit, and checking refrigerant levels are important. Fixing issues like leaks, dirty filters, and broken thermostats helps keep system performance up and avoids expensive downtime.

Working with a skilled HVAC service and repair team is a good idea. They offer regular maintenance visits, quick help in emergencies, and checklists made for your specific needs. Keeping records of maintenance might be needed for some commercial leases.

Investing in commercial air handlers means your HVAC systems work better, save on energy, and last longer. Regular care and solving problems early can keep your commercial space comfy and productive.

Commercial Air Handler Trends and Innovations

The commercial HVAC industry is always changing. New tech in air handlers and linking them with automation platforms is key. These changes aim to make systems more efficient, cut costs, and improve how they work. Knowing about these trends helps owners and managers make smart choices when updating or replacing air handlers.

Latest Advancements in Air Handler Technology

Smart meters, thermostats, and sensors are becoming more common for controlling buildings. They make it easier to manage power costs. HVAC systems with Wi-Fi let people control temperature and humidity from anywhere.

These systems collect data to help with maintenance and repairs. The demand for green HVAC systems is growing. Companies are using software to improve sales, customer service, and more.

Integration with Building Automation Systems

Technology is changing HVAC systems. Sensors work together for better temperature and lighting control. Ductless units are popular for older buildings without space for traditional ducts or with air leaks.

For 2024, HVAC trends focus on saving energy, smart systems, better air quality, and sustainable cooling. These systems can cut utility bills. Smart HVACs use IoT tech for real-time checks and maintenance, saving energy and preventing issues.

Improving air quality means better filters, UV purifiers, and ventilation. Sustainable cooling uses natural refrigerants and eco-friendly methods. This helps reduce the use of harmful gases.

Adopting these HVAC trends can save money, improve comfort, and lessen environmental harm. Staying updated on air handler tech and automation can help owners and managers make the best HVAC choices. This keeps them ahead in the industry.


Commercial air handlers are key to keeping large commercial buildings comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient. They help maintain a good indoor environment. By knowing how they work and what to look for when choosing and caring for them, owners and managers can make smart choices. This helps with the efficiency and sustainability of their HVAC systems.

New technology and smart controls make air handlers even better. They are a smart choice for commercial buildings. Getting good commercial air handlers means better indoor air quality and cost savings. This leads to a more comfortable and green space for everyone inside.

The need for efficient and dependable HVAC systems in commercial buildings is growing. Commercial air handlers are crucial for this. By focusing on picking, installing, and keeping these systems in top shape, owners and managers can keep their buildings running well. This helps their businesses succeed and be more sustainable.

Electric Heat pump outside
About Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.
Residential and light commercial heating, cooling, air quality, and plumbing are specialties at Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc. We provide home and business owners in Oak Ridge, TN and surrounding areas free estimates, service of all makes and models, and trusted solutions to everyday requirements.

We are an eco-friendly, award-winning company and uphold Better Business Bureau accreditation. Our team of professionals is NATE-certified, drug-free, and dedicated to earning your approval and loyalty.


What is the role of a commercial air handler in an HVAC system?

A commercial air handler is key in a commercial HVAC system. It makes sure air moves and is at the right temperature in a building. It has fans, filters, and coils that work together for good air flow and temperature control.

What are the different types of commercial air handlers available?

There are many types of commercial air handlers. You can find packaged units, chilled water systems, and VAV air handlers. Each type has special features for different needs and requirements.

How do commercial air handlers contribute to energy efficiency?

Commercial air handlers can save energy with features like variable-speed fans and advanced controls. These help cut down on energy use and costs. Knowing about these features helps owners make choices for a greener and cheaper HVAC system.

What factors should be considered when selecting a commercial air handler?

When picking a commercial air handler, think about the building's size and layout, and the heating and cooling needs. This ensures the air handler fits the building well, works efficiently, and performs well.

Why is proper installation and maintenance of commercial air handlers important?

Right installation and regular upkeep are key for a commercial air handler's efficiency and reliability. Following the right steps, like checking airflow and duct connections, and a good maintenance plan, can make the equipment last longer and work better.

What are the latest trends and innovations in commercial air handler technology?

The HVAC industry is always changing, with new tech in air handlers and smart building systems. The latest trends include energy-saving features and smart controls. These aim to make HVAC systems more efficient, cut costs, and improve their function.

Electric Heat pump outside
About Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc.
Residential and light commercial heating, cooling, air quality, and plumbing are specialties at Eco Heating & Air Solutions, Inc. We provide home and business owners in Oak Ridge, TN and surrounding areas free estimates, service of all makes and models, and trusted solutions to everyday requirements.

We are an eco-friendly, award-winning company and uphold Better Business Bureau accreditation. Our team of professionals is NATE-certified, drug-free, and dedicated to earning your approval and loyalty.

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